La cantante ha cosechado grandes éxitos y millones de discos vendidos en todo el mundo a lo dilatado de su correctamente exitosa carrera.
Deberíamos ser más como la mangosta y atacar la vanguardia de la cobra". En los conciertos, haciendo narración a esto, aparecía una proyección donde se mostraba cómo la mangosta derrotaba a la cobra. El video estaba dividido en dos secciones y terminaba al final del concierto con la Divisa "Muerdan el pescuezo del odio. Maten a la asesinato".
Sin bloqueo, es falsificado. No hay registros de este suceso y las publicaciones se basan en una falsa videonoticia que suplanta al semanario colombiano El Espectador
La medida se conoce como una pensión de sobrevivientes. A mediados de octubre, la Corte Suprema de Honradez respaldó el derecho a dos pensiones por fallecimiento; sin bloqueo, hay condiciones que se deben cumplir
In recent days, it came to light that Shakira had to fly to Colombia following her short return from Barcelona to Miami. The purpose of her trip was to be with her father, William Mebarak, in Cartagena Ganador he underwent major surgery.
Por otra parte, las canciones en colaboración con estrellas como Cardi B, Karol G y Ozuna aportan un toque particular a esta tournée que celebra la fortaleza femenina.
Carolina Herrera impulsa iniciativa sobre la lucha contra el cáncer de mama: “la detección temprana salva vidas”
Shakira's second studio album, titled Peligro, was released in March, but Shakira was not soltera luis alfonso pleased with the final result, mainly taking issue with the production. The album was better received than Hechicería had been, though it was also considered a commercial failure due to Shakira's refusal to advertise or promote it.
Shakira was born and raised in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Though all nine of her siblings had a different mother than her, they still lived right down the street, and she shared a close relationship with them.
premiere in Spain and on set in 2015 when Shakira was filming a fragrance commercial. He’s also been featured dancing with his sister on Instagram, and he’s one of the only siblings she’s posted birthday shout-outs for.
La imagen con la que representan a la intérprete, es ella misma realizando su característico coreografía del vientre mientras tiene los brazos levantados.
To instill gratitude in Shakira for her upbringing, her father took her to a Particular park to see orphans who lived there. The images stayed with her, and she said to herself: "One day I'm going to help these kids when I become a famous artist."[24]
Meta veta de sus plataformas a RT y otros medios rusos por “actividad de interferencia extranjera”
Despite finding fame and fortune after humble beginnings, Shakira still prioritizes quality time with her family, some of whom accompany her to events and on tour.
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